Giuseppe Pietroniro
Giuseppe Pietroniro, with his photographic work in particular, extends his reflections on the practice of specificity of the space and on the relationship between works and context ( site specific ) by intervening performatively on the spaces of museums and collectors, which are emptied of their content ( artworks ). After having temporarily deprived them of their use function, the next step is represent them in this loss of identity amplified by a game of mirrors, reverberations and splits. His photographs show the reflection of empty architecture in a large mirror placed on a wall of the room: the effect is a multiplication of the place inside the image, giving the illusion of spaces that endlessly repeat their finitude. The reverberation of emptiness it circumscribes a spatiality made up of absence, from which emerges everything that is normally not we see or we cannot see: the deprivation of identity. Even the viewer and his gaze they are excluded, subtracted. A subtraction underlined in some works by external elements placed by the artist in space, stone monoliths, which refer to the specificity of the architecture. With this practice Pietroniro subtracts the idea of space and the concept of image, which exists as a shadow of an absence, the absence of self.